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Rapes - A Harsh Reality! Are you ready to face it?

Hey Guys, The Uber cab Incident, and the everyday news of some woman or the other being raped, has become so common, that somewhere, these kind of happenings have stopped pinching me. Yes! You have read it right!  It has stopped pinching a sensitive female like me!  I don’t want to get into the theory of what makes people do such an unforgivable crime. The reasons could be many, starting from illiteracy. But the point is, how we deal with them can make a difference. We’ve all heard enough of, ‘Let’s be proactive, instead of reactive’. But it’s high time, to think HOW? How can a girl ignore the constant gazes she gets from cheap men , in a public bus? How can a lady not feel uncomfortable? Women are changing the world, leading industries, taking over companies, bringing a revolutionary change in how things are done. Even the amended law requires women, to be a part of the Board of Directors. The society doesn’t lack women, nor does it lack the potential and the productivity wh
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